Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why I'm afraid of school...

So today i'm sittin in good 'ol math minding my own business when I hear a shriek outside. So I look out, and I see a RAT scurrying across the ground. um ew. So I think I have an excuse to never ever go to school again, at least not math. ;)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Adventures of a Sleepy High Schooler

Today in la clase de ingles I had a near death experience with a rat! Sorta... So we were supposed to be reading this chapter in a book, and since I had finished it I just rested my head on my desk. Seconds later I'm out like a light. (fun fact: I am a very very deep sleeper, and if your lucky i will talk in my sleep!) So class is ending, and of course the entire class notices I'm asleep, and is having a good laugh at my expense. My dear friend behind me jostled me awake. I open up my eyes drowsily, and the first thing I see is a mouse perched on top of my book! I jumped about a mile in the air and screeched like a banshee to the even greater amusement of my class. After calming myself, I realized that it was a rubber toy mouse that some cruel soul had put there to torment me. Where was the teacher during this you might ask? HE was the one who put the mouse on my desk, and he was laughing the hardest out of everybody! As I walked out of the class he called out, I hope you liked your new pet! Cruel cruel high school.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Return of the Blogger: Part MIllion

Okay, I know I'm a huge slacker, and this is like the six zillionth time I've said I'm gonna get back on track with blogging, but this time I mean it. I think. I might as well start out good with some pics for once in my life. :) The top picture is me with permit in hand. Oh yeah get ready state of california, Megan Baker is on the road! The bottom pic is a pic of me and my sista at D-land wearing some ever so fashionable aviator glasses. (and me being the fashionista that I am felt compelled to complete the look with an aviator hat)

Other than learning to drive, and learning to fly, I am doing pretty much all the usual stuff. Lots of homework, and lots of books! Right now I am reading Les Mis (for fun), and 1984 (for school). And of course the Book of Mormon :). 1984 is surprisingly good, minus the scando parts of course, those I could do without. I would really love to ramble on and bore you all to tears, but alas sleep beckons. Seminary is bright and early on the morrow. Fare thee well sweet people. ;)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I know that I haven't updated in ages and ages! I'll try really super hard to update more frequently, but you know how it goes with school and what not...

So lets see what's new in the exciting life of Megan Baker?

  • I went to Knott's Scary Farm with a huge group of friends! It was soooooo fun! I nearly peed myself though! Before we even got into the park these two clown monster guys were following me around and saying creeptastic things to me, so naturally I started screaming and huddling in a ball on the ground. Who wouldn't do that? We went in a plethora of super frightening mazes, and I freaked out in every one! So fun!
  • School is back in business, and I am officially a sophomore! Whoo! I am pretty sad that we are back in school, cuz I had a great summer! EFY was such an amazing experience! I learned so much, felt the spirit so strongly, and made so many new friends. I made some new friends at Youth Conference too. This year we went to Youth Conference in scenic St. George Utah. Don't get me wrong St. George really is gorgeous, and I was so grateful to have the experience to do baptisms for the dead in the St. George temple, but it was quite an interesting experience. The dorm rooms that we stayed in were infested with cockroaches and drunk college students roaming the halls. One such student thought he would do some of the girls in my ward a favor by vomiting over the stairs onto their unsuspecting heads! No joke! So youth conference was both good and bad, but it was fun, and I met some super nice kids in my stake. 
  • um... Ya thats all I can think of for now, so i'll post more later. Hopefully some pictures! Fingers crossed! :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Too Much for Words...

WOW there is sooo much going on. Summer has begun, meaning I have officially completed my freshmen year of high school. I am now fifteen years of age, I'm sure you can barely handle my boundless years of wisdom. I am leaving for EFY next week with my best friend. (Provo baby) I just recently returned from a fun-filled week at Girl's Camp, located in scenic Santa Barbara. From kayaking to horseback riding (with a very cute cowboy), It was amazingly fun! I will try to remember to upload pics! :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My challenge to you...

READ BOOKS ONE THROUGH SIX OF HARRY POTTER! Before the sixth movie comes out on July 15th of course! Come on I believe in you! 

*I am currently on page 64 of HP1 !!!! WHOO!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Almost there...

My fifteenth birthday is in seven days! Thats right people lucky number seven... i know i haven't blogged in a century, but i'm doin it now so stop your bellyachin! JK i love you all! so yup almost the big 1-5. And in November this teen hits the road with a permit in hand, don't worry my parents are teaching me how to be "observant" ;) In other news I will be applying for a much sought after job at Golden Spoon Frozen Yogurt. Whoo! I am seriously lackin in cash and if I want to go to EFY I have to scrape together 95 more dollars to add to my 105 dollars. So a job is pretty necessary plus if I want to buy any other desirables such as clothes, makeup, and in the far far future (cuz it will take me ages to save up for it) the Amazon Kindle, SO AMAZING! You know my b-day is comin up so if anybody wants to send one in the mail to me... totally joking! I will probably eventually buy one with my hard earned FroYo cash, if i get the job that is. *fingers crossed* Late everybody!